I did run for Bengaluru! Run madide Run!
It was a touchy feeling to see thousands of Bengaluru people participating in the world’s premier Sunfeast 10k Marathon today. I was totally moved by the whole activity. Truly sensational!
It was wonderful to watch people walking in to the stadium with their entry numbers sticking on their chest. There were many people with interesting costumes and it was colorful to watch. Many corporates and NGOs participated in teams and they were with interesting messages
Now talking about our RUN, the 10k run started at 8:10 Am and our Majaa run started at 9:00 Am. It was a thrilling experience starting our run through the tracks inside the stadium. Folks were jumping, dancing and posing at the TV channels and the video cameras. It was the Majaa run for sure. Whi
le running, we saw many people with very interesting costumes, banners and message boards of the organizations that they represent. We even saw few folks with costumes representing the national integration. It was superb!
And kingfisher’s water stalls were the additional bonus for us as kingfisher girls were cheering for us all along the way and of course serving water to everyone. Manipal hospital had its health care stalls and there were few ambulances all along the way. There was a live coverage and the event was live on CNBC news channel. We heard 23 minutes was the fastest run in the 10 k category. Kowshik completed his 10 k run in 64 minutes and we completed our 5 k run in 40 minutes. Majaa run was full of Majaa; many people were just walking and others were running. It was not a serious run like the 10 k run. We left
from the stadium after having refreshments.
This ‘Run for Bengaluru’ was not just a Run, but it was the run for many lives, run for cause and pledge, run for nature, run for the integrity! And run for LIFE!
Run maadi Run! Run madidvi Run! I was touched, moved and inspired…
Dear Srikanth and Manjunath and through you, to the thousands that took part,
It is wonderful to see you two and thousands of others running for a cause. Your participation made a contribution tot he cause you were supporting, no matter how modest it was. Good for you. I am proud of you.
Please convey my thoughts to Kaushik and Lakshmi (hope I got their names right), your fellow team mates.
Please continue to participate in such public service events the rest of your lives. Both you and the country will come out ahead.
It would be good to find out who the key organizers of the event were and meet them personally. Maybe, they can help in other undertakings.
Once again, congratulations.
Very sincerely yours,
Narasim Katary
Heard from a couple of people that the Run was really well-organised and lots of fun. Glad to know that you ran after your 18-day expedition!
Hey Srik..!!
Thanks a lot for the detailed blog..!! It will help the people who think they can't do it..!!
It was great event..!! I am feeling proud about my company for organizing such a wonderful, great event in great Bangalore.
It was not only a Run by people, its Run of great messages to society, Run of great thoughts to people, Run of Spirit & motivation of the people, Run of Fun & Joy, Run of learning.. Totally it’s a Run of many great things..!
Million thanks to the organizers and Volunteers of the event.
Congrats to all Runners and winners.:)
I am really happy to know that all of you ran for a cause. I am missing a lot especially after reading the detailed blog by Sri.
Hope many organizations come forward in future to organize such events and thereby providing a forum to spread the message to the society.
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