Sunday, August 29, 2010


it’s a common sight
when it is not a whole
and not so clear
very often, everywhere
with everyone…
I see only a part
or incompletely again
the face I encounter
out in the nature
in its own state...
communicating fear
exposing honesty in
what is to be believed,
unknowing how else,
to live out free…
as new as it looks
with magical silence
holding its meaning
and love, consciously
behind the real world…
capturing its essence
binding it with colors
and the little things
exist in the nature,
is nothing but a glimpse…


1 comment:

Narasim said...

All important knowledge is partial. All important knowledge is tentative.

That is why the search is virtually endless.

Aware of this, reason doubts itself. Faith on the other hand is suffused with impoverishing certitudes.

You have captured this timeless truth very well.