Wednesday, September 14, 2011

kuch kaas!

Much awaited visit to this plateau and was worth going all the way from here. Some panoramas from the plateau are here.

a welcoming kaas plateau looking west

Sahyadri hills and the Urmodi dam to the north

Yellow carpets of Smithias 

Misty morning on the kaas plateau

Pink carpets of Impatiens on the plateau and white Eriocaulon's on the right

picturesque plateau full of flowers in bloom during September

A gorgeous tree at the kaas lake

Cloud play at the kaas lake
© Srikanth Parthasarathy
September 2011


Narasim said...

The yellow and majenta carpets of small flowers are breathtakingly beautiful.

I have never seen the vast landscape lit up like that with natural colours. Life, as we all know, is capable of infinite surprises.

The lonely tree in the lake confirms the adage.

Great panoramic shots. Thanks.

Rajaram S said...

Hi, when did u visit Kaas? was it in Sep 2011?

Srik said...

hello Rajaram,

yes, I visited kaas this Sep 2011.

Sudhi said...

Great photography !!!

Taher Kagalwala said...

Lovely pics, Shrikant. Awaiting your macros ...

Anonymous said...

Lovely pics and description

Srik said...

Thank you all.

@Dr Taher: Coming soon :)