Wednesday, August 8, 2012

natural farming

Excerpt from the book One Straw Revolution by Masanabu Fukuoka

Pure natural farming, by contrast, is the no-stroke school. It goes nowhere and seeks no victory. Putting "doing nothing" into practice is the only thing farmer should strive to accomplish. Lao Tzu spoke of non-active nature, and I think if he were a farmer he would certainly practice natural farming. I believe that Gandhi's way, a method-less method, acting with a non-winning, non-opposing state of mind, is akin to natural farming. When it is understood that one loses joy and happiness in the attempt to possess them, the essence of natural farming will be realized. The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. 

I am too curious to know and see (and do) the "doing nothing" in practice. While people do nothing these days, farming by "doing nothing" is really very interesting. Although literally it may mean not doing anything, it means that - one should not grow crops, but one should allow crops to grow naturally and enjoy seeing them while reaping baggage of benefits. Natural farming is a nature's way of growing food; it will involve very less human intervention. All one needs to do is to enable crops to grow naturally. 


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